Thai Ipomoeeae (Convolvulaceae)

The largest tribe of morning glory family in Thailand


TitlePink Convolvulus (1426244329).jpg
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Summary[edit] DescriptionAPI Convolvulaceae (convolvulus, bindweed, or morning glory family) » Ipomoea triloba ip-oh-MEE-uh or ip-oh-MAY-uh -- meaning, worm-like; referring to coiled flower bud try-LO-buh -- meaning, three-lobed; referring to lobes of leaf commonly known as: littlebell morning glory, pink convolvulus Origin: Tropical America ... usually small, herbaceous twiner, often on grasses or low shrubs, with milky sap and rather small flowers; stems somewhat angled, mostly glabrous. ... leaves cordate, acuminate, entire or somewhat 3-lobed, mostly 2-5 cm long (but up to 12 cm), longer than wide. References: Dave's Garden • PIER species info • Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar Date 23 September 2007, 08:08 Source Pink Convolvulus Author Dinesh Valke from Thane, India
creatorDinesh Valke
sourceFlickr user ID dinesh_valke
providerWikimedia Commons
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith