Ipomoea aquatica
Plants of marshy places or aquatic, often cultivated for food (stems and leaves eaten); stems usually repent and rooting, or floating, thick, fistulose
Herbs annual, terrestrial and repent or floating; axial parts glabrous. Stems terete, thick, hollow, rooting at nodes. Petiole 3-14 cm, glabrous; leaf blade variable, ovate, ovate-lanceolate, oblong, or lanceolate, 3.5-17 X 0.9-8.5 cm, glabrous or rarely pilose, base cordate, sagittate or hastate, occasionally truncate, margin entire or undulate, apex acute or acuminate. Inflorescences 1-3(-5)-flowered; peduncle 1.5-9 cm, base pubescent; bracts squamiform, 1.5-2 mm. Pedicel 1.5-5 cm. Sepals subequal, glabrous; outer 2 ovate-oblong, 7-8 mm, margin whitish, thin, apex obtuse, mucronulate; inner 3 ovate-elliptic, ca. 8 mm. Corolla white, pink, or lilac, with a darker center, funnelform, 3.5-5 cm, glabrous. Stamens unequal, included. Pistil included; ovary conical, glabrous. Stigma 2-lobed. Capsule ovoid to globose, ca. 1 cm in diam., woody, tardily dehiscent or ?indehiscent. Seeds densely grayish pubescent, sometimes glabrous. 2n = 30*.